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FDA Issues Dangerous Drug Warning: Vitamin B Supplements May Contain Anabolic Steroids

shutterstock_46846312FDA Warns that Vitamin B Supplement May Contain Anabolic Steroids; Dangerous Drug Is Not For Human Consumption

A vitamin B supplement, called Healthy Life Chemistry by Purity B-50 and manufactured by Mira Health Products Ltd. of Farmingdale, has been issued a dangerous drug warning by the FDA – the product may contain anabolic steroids, and should not be consumed by humans.

So far, the FDA has received 30 complaints about the dangerous drug, with adverse reactions including fatigue, muscle pain, and cramping. Lab tests reported abnormal liver and thyroid function, as well as unusual cholesterol levels. Women reported missed periods and unusual hair growth, while men reported impotence and low testosterone.

When the FDA tested the vitamin B supplement, their tests revealed that the product may have included anabolic steroids methasterone and dimethazine, which are not listed on the product’s label.

The government agency says it first became aware of the problem after a physician notified the FDA that he had treated 20 patients similar symptoms of muscle fatigue and pain, who all had abnormal lab tests. The patients had been referred by another physician who had prescribed supplements to the patients, and the one common factor was Healthy Life Chemistry.

“Products marketed as a vitamin but which contain undisclosed steroids pose a real danger to consumers and are illegal,” Howard Sklamberg, director of the Office of Compliance in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a July 26 statement.

The supplement was sold at a variety of stores and online. The FDA has added in its dangerous drug warning that the manufacturer has declined a voluntary recall of the product and refuses to warn customers about the potential anabolic steroid problem, which could result in criminal prosecution.

“Consumers using Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50 who experience any of these symptoms should consult a health care professional and report their experience to the FDA,” according to the agency.

South Carolina Dangerous Drug Lawyers

The pharmaceutical industry develops many life-saving medications and medical devices each year. However, in a race to get their drugs and/or devices to market, many pharmaceutical companies ignore or do not anticipate the side effects of medications or medical devices that later lead to injury and even death.

Every year, approximately 200,000 Americans die from prescription drug reactions. While the U.S. government pours billions of dollars into illegal drug interdiction every year, more Americans die from legal, prescription drugs than illegal ones.

The Strom Law Firm Understands Dangerous Drug Lawsuits

If you or a loved one have been injured or died as a result of a dangerous prescription drug, over the counter medication, herbal supplement, vitamin, or defective medical device, you need an experienced pharmaceutical liability law firm which is able to stand up for your rights, and seek justice on your behalf. The pharmaceutical liability lawyers at The Strom Law Firm, LLC are at the forefront of the fight to protect the public, and will stand up for your rights against the big drug and insurance companies. We will fight to ensure that you and your loved ones receive the justice you deserve.  Contact our defective drug and wrongful death attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your case as well as your legal rights. 803.252.4800