
Research Needed for Link between Breast Cancer and Common Household Items

South Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers A preservative commonly seen in deodorants, cosmetics, food products, and pharmaceuticals has also been found in the cancerous tissue of 40 female breast cancer patients.  This preservative, called parabens, has been raising eyebrows since 1998 concerning its link to breast cancer. Researchers have been investigating oestrogenic properties of the parabens in breast cancer. It is widely known that oestrogen plays a crucial role in the development, growth, and progression of breast cancer. Parabens … [Read more...]

Heart Dropped on Street and Then Transplanted

Medics dropped a donor heart on a city street in Mexico City moments before it was used for a life-saving transplant. It all went down after a helicopter transporting the donor heart landed in a Mexico City street.  A medic and doctor hopped from the plane and grabbed the blue cooler where the heart was being chilled on ice. The cooler then toppled over causing the heart, which was wrapped in plastic, to be spilled on the tarmac. The medics scooped up the heart and repackaged it on the ice where it was then used for the complicated … [Read more...]

Purported Stem Cell Miracle Cure Costs Dying Patients $1.5M

Dying patients were told by four men that they could be cured through stem cells. Investigators say the men manipulated desperate terminally ill patients into believing that stems would be their miracle cure. US Attorney Kenneth Magidson said, “Protecting the public from unproven and potentially dangerous drug and medical procedures is very important.” He continued by saying, “This office will continue to prosecute violations involving threats to the public health.” The men were indicted in November with 39 counts of mail fraud and … [Read more...]

Fake Plastic Surgeon Used Fix a Flat During Procedures

Why Fix a Flat is only intended for tires. A transgendered South Florida woman who calls herself, “The Duchess” has been arrested and charged with practicing medicine without a license causing serious bodily harm. Oneal Ron Morris allegedly injected patients with tire sealant among other ingredients during a "procedure" to enhance her victims' appearance. Police are now saying that at least 30 people have come forward with claims regarding procedures allegedly conducted by Morris. According to the Miami Herald, Morris and her partner, … [Read more...]

Novaritis, Maker of Excedrin, Issues Voluntary Recall

South Carolina Personal Injury and Defective Drug Lawyers It is time to take another look in your drug cabinet due to a recall. Novartis, the makers of Excedrin, NoDoz, Bufferin and Gas-X a issued a recall on Sunday due to concerns that stray pills from other medicines and chipped or broken tablets could be contained in your bottle. voluntarily recalled their products after an internal review noticed inconsistent bottle packaging and some bottles containing broken or chipped pills. With the safety of its consumers in mind, Novartis decided to … [Read more...]

Parents Sue After Teen Dies During Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Wisdom teeth extractions have become routine surgical procedures for children and teenagers, as more studies reveal numerous health risks posed by the third molars.  The parents of a Maryland teen who died earlier this year during wisdom tooth surgery have sued the oral surgeon and the anesthesiologist for medical malpractice. Now they are asking how their daughter could have died during a procedure performed on over 5 million Americans per year. Jenny Olenick, a 17-year-old high school junior from Maryland, died from complications during … [Read more...]

Former NFL Players Sue League Over Head Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuit  Jamal Lewis, Dorsey Levens, and two other former professional players have against the National Football League, accusing it of misleading them and failing to take effective action to protect them from head injuries. They say the injuries left them struggling with medical problems years after their playing days ended. Lewis and Levens, as well as Fulton Kuykendall and Ryan Stewart, filed the lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, according to four separate statements from the former players. The … [Read more...]

Wal-Mart Pulls Enfamil Formula After Infant Death

South Carolina Defective Product Attorneys Wal-Mart has pulled a powdered infant formula from more than 3,000 of its stores nationwide after a 10-day-old Missouri boy who was fed the formula died from what preliminary tests indicate was a rare bacterial infection, the retailer said. Newborn Avery Cornett died Sunday of an uncommon infection that is sometimes linked to bacteria found in the commercial formula, reports said. He was taken to the hospital on Friday after his family said he appeared lethargic and seemed to have a stomach … [Read more...]

FDA Reacts to Lap-Band Advertisements

South Carolina Consumer Protection Attorneys The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently announced that it has taken action against eight California surgical centers and the marketing firm 1-800-GET-THIN LLC, for misleading advertising of the Lap-Band, an FDA-approved device used for weight loss in obese adults. The marketing company reportedly used misleading advertising for the weight loss surgery through billboards, radio and television ads that underplayed the serious risks to patients. The billboards, which were plastered all … [Read more...]

Pedestrian Deaths Increase From 2010 in SC

South Carolina Pedestrian Accident Attonreys Pedestrian deaths have risen sharply in parts of the Midlands and South Carolina, including in Columbia where six pedestrian deaths have occurred this year. This time last year, there were no pedestrian deaths. The most recent death happened just four days ago when a pedestrian, who was walking on the side of I-26, was hit by a car, and then run over three more times by other vehicles driving down the highway. In all, pedestrian deaths across the state up are up 24 percent – to 101 so far … [Read more...]