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Arthritis Supplement Under Drug Recall

Arthritis Supplement Under Drug Recall Due to Undeclared Ingredients

A California supplement manufacturer has issued a drug recall due to undeclared pharmaceuticals in its arthritis supplement.

The “natural” arthritis supplement, Super Arthgold, was found to have three undeclared drugs after FDA testing. According to the FDA, Super Arthgold contains two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and a muscle relaxer. Supplement manufacturer Nano Well-Being Health Inc issued a drug recall for two lots of the supplement pills, L1P1-6100, with an expiration date of June 25, 2016 and lot number L1P2-6000 with an expiration date of Sept. 16, 2016.

The drugs can cause serious adverse reactions with other prescribed medications, which led to the drug recall. The Super Arthgold supplement “has a reasonable probability of resulting in fatal adverse events in consumers and patients with underlying illnesses, including known allergy to the hidden ingredients, cardiac, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal conditions,” as well as patients who recently underwent cardiac bypass surgery graft surgery, according to a press release from the FDA.

The supplement was sold online at a variety of retailers.

“The diclofenac and indomethacin [in Super Arthgold] may cause gastrointestinal upset or bleeding, heart attack, stroke, kidney problems. It’s quite an issue for those already at risk of those problems,” says Donald Miller, PharmD, professor and chair of pharmacy practice at North Dakota State University, in Fargo. “Generally, in an older population, they are definitely at risk of all those issues.”

Congress Introduces Dietary Supplement Regulation After Drug Recalls

US researchers have found that dietary supplements, which often contain unapproved or unlisted ingredients, make up just over half of all dangerous drug recalls in the United States.

On Tuesday, February 11th, Congress introduced the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 – aka DASCA – amid growing concerns over the ingredients in dietary supplements, particularly muscle-building or workout-enhancing supplements.

“This bill would help prevent the sale of falsely labeled steroids and punish those who seek to profit from them,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., a co-sponsor of the bill with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. Whitehouse added that “many American citizens may be unknowingly dosing themselves with these harmful substances.”

“The DEA needs to be able to act faster and have better enforcement tools to prosecute those that develop and falsely market anabolic steroids as safe products,” Hatch said.

However, the bill relates only to drug recalls for undeclared steroids in dietary supplements. The bill does not give the DEA power to recall other supplements, unless they contain FDA-controlled substances.

The Strom Law Firm Can Help with Dangerous Drug and Failed Drug Recall Cases

The Strom Law Firm, L.L.C. is a leader in the consumer protection battle against dangerous drug recalls and defective devices. We represent individuals who have been killed or injured by dangerous or defective pharmaceuticals, including unregulated herbal or dietary supplements. If you or a family member have been injured or killed after using a dangerous drugs or medical products such as Omontys, contact our dangerous drug lawyers as soon as possible so that we can begin taking steps to preserve evidence and your claim immediately. We offer free consultations to discuss the facts of your case. 803.252.4800