
Yaz Birth Control Claims Continue

A distraught mother is suing the maker of Yaz birth control claiming her daughter died from a fatal blod clot she received after taking the birth control pill.

, the 18-year-old a freshman at Elon University in North Carolina, collapsed on her way to class last September.  The autopsy discovered that she had a fatal blood clot that lodged in her lung and caused her to suffer a heart attack.

Her mother says she believes that her daughter would be alive today if she had not been taking the birth control pill Yaz.  She said that the prescription drug ultimately caused the fatal clot. The teenager was taking the pills to help an acne problem.

The family is suing Bayer, the German pharmaceutical company that produces the drug, for wrongful death. The defective drug lawsuit states that Yaz, also known as drospirenone, violates North Carolina

This is not the first time that Yaz has been in the news for controversy.  The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is currently investigating the tragedy and looking into whether the drug should have stronger warning labels or whether the drug should be pulled from the shelves.

Lawsuits have been filed against Bayer because of the serious health consequences that resulted from the use of the drug.

The list of health issues includes deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, cardiac arrest and even death.

Other health issues include allergic reactions, hives, rash, itching, breathing issues, chest tightening, irregular heartbeat, liver issues, severe vaginal bleeding, fatigue, vaginal discharge and blurred vision. Health issues that have purportedly been experienced even by healthy young women taking the oral contraceptive Yaz.

As we previously reported, the crux of the legal issues in many of these cases stem from the FDA finding of deceptive claims in advertisements for Yaz done by Wyeth. These include overstatement of the benefits of the drug and the fast moving, distracting information provided about potential life threatening effects of blood clots due to the drug during the commercial. The failure of the manufacturer to adequately advise users and practitioners of the possible adverse reactions are what makes the use of Yaz life threatening and hazardous.

 To obtain more information, contact one of the defective drug lawyers at Strom Law Firm, LLC.