
Officer Charged with Police Brutality for Death

Officer Faces Assault Charges for Police Brutality that Led to Death of Patient

police brutalityA San Francisco police officer faces numerous charges related to an incident of police brutality according to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.

Deputy Michael Lewelling, 33, was arrested on Friday on charges related to a dire incident of police brutality, including assault, perjury, filing a false police report, filing a false instrument, and four felony charges.

The arrest was related to a police brutality incident that occurred in November 2014. The victim was a patient who walked with a cane, staying at the hospital. Lewelling’s police report stated that the patient attempted to assault him with a wooden cane, when Lewelling arrested him for attempted assault of a police officer. However, an investigation conducted by the newly-formed Criminal Investigations Unit, examined surveillance footage and found the report to be inaccurate.

The actual incident was unwarranted police brutality. The victim in the video is waiting for a doctor’s appointment, and at the beginning of the film is asleep in an arm chair in the emergency room. Lewelling approached the victim and seemingly attempted to start a conversation, at which point the victim stood up slowly, using his cane for assistance, and walked toward the exit. At that point, Lewelling grabbed the victim by the back of his collar and pulled, then began to choke the man. After choking the victim for a period of time, he placed the man under arrest.

The victim was released from jail shortly after his arrest. Prosecutors say that it is obvious from the video that the incident was unwarranted police brutality – the victim did nothing to provoke the officer.

“The fact that a Sheriff’s Deputy allegedly battered a patient at San Francisco General Hospital is unnerving,” San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon said in a statement. “What’s worse is that he’s also alleged to have perjured himself on a police report, unforgivable conduct that led to the arrest of the innocent victim.”

Lewelling has been arrested for the police brutality and suspended from the department without pay.

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If you or someone in your family becomes the victim of a crime, contact a knowledgeable South Carolina personal injury and wrongful death lawyer at our firm to learn how we can help you. A crime victim attorney at our firm handles cases involving victims of:

  • Drunk driving/DUI/drug offenses
  • Assault and battery
  • Murder or manslaughter
  • Arson
  • Rape, date rape or other sexual assaults
  • Child pornography
  • Stalking or Kidnapping
  • Police brutality
  • White collar crime

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Protect Your Rights through Civil Litigation Against Excessive Force and Police Brutality

If you or a loved one has been a victim of police brutality or excessive force, contact our South Carolina victim’s assistance attorneys at The Strom Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation to see how we can help.  While we cannot change the past, we can help you secure your future. 803.252.4800

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